Rainier K9 LLC
Veteran Owned Business | Navy, Separated | Member since May 14th, 2015
The best way to contact us would be through the "Contact US" from through this directory for now. We will update with our website as soon as it is ready. And you can find us on Facebook! We look forward to speaking with you!
Please mention you proudly found Rainier K9 LLC on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
I was a prior military working dog handler and trainer. During my time I managed one of the Navy's largest kennels and was in charge of training handlers and dogs alike to meet the standards of the Navy. The military taught me how to run a business and how to run a kennel. It also taught me to train dogs, to absorb new ideas, and to trust in my instincts. The Navy has been an invaluable experience in my life that has given me the skills and drive to take control of my own destiny.
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