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Animal Human Connection

Business Address:
2400 West Central Ave.
Missoula, MT 59801
Missoula County
Business Contact:
Mrs. Judy Helm Wright
Pet Grief Coach
Contact Animal Human Connection

Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Retired | Member since November 3rd, 2015
Business claims to be certified by the CVE

Animal Human Connection is a legacy business that accompanies those on a journey of grief and loss. In addition to books, classes, certification process we offer Pet Grief Coaching and personalized tribute and memoir books.

Imagine connecting with a wise intuitive “Auntie” who knows how you feel, because she has felt the same way, and can guide you in private sessions as close as the phone or computer. Judy hosts a radio show about Animal-Human Connection, has authored 20+ books on relationships, and is a Hospice volunteer.

FREE BOOK! Claim your complimentary copy of “Pet Sympathy Quotes” when you join our community of kind, thoughtful people who want respect for all.

REACH OUT! Discover a wealth of community benefits & resources available to you: Private, personal-focus sessions with Judy, an intuitive wise woman; Exclusive Pet Loss Support Group; Custom created and published pet tribute and memoir books; Weekly Animal Human Connection podcasts blog posts; Interviews capturing your personal story; Select webinar invitations; Special pricing on retreats, seminars & readings; Unique gifts, cards and books.

Please mention you proudly found Animal Human Connection on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

As we traveled with the military, it was frequently hard to leave a beloved pet behind or re-home that pet. Our children grieved not being able to take the pets as they were considered members of our family.We know the pain and can share hope & support. We saw many combat veterans who had formed a solid bond with an animal and was devastated when the animal died. We wanted to utilize the skills we had formed in hospice volunteering and working with military families into a business.

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