Contact Guam Pacific Enterprise, Inc.
Please use the following form to send your business correspondence to the business listed above. Need to reach more than one business? Scroll down below for details about having us contact muliple members for you!
**We have a zero tolerance for spam!**
***Please Note: We have a zero tolerance for spam! If your business is listed as a member and you send another member spam that causes said business to complain, your business listing, after careful consideration, may be removed. It is perfectly fine to try and partner with fellow veteran owned businesses and/or to contact one about a potential bid. Sending get rich quick schemes, pyramid schemes, "Nigerian Lottery Winner" emails and other things that the average person would consider spam/salesy will be guaranteed to get your information blacklisted and possibly removed. Please feel free to email us if you would like further clarification on our anti-spam policy.
Are you with a nonprofit organization and/or have an event you think our members should know about? Instead of contacting members one by one, feel free to email us or call our media relations department at: (877) 862-5478 (extension 1) to discuss ways we can help you reach out to our members and supporters through articles, events, newsletters, eblasts and through our social networks (over 400,000). Click here to submit your press release or event. .